Sunday, December 5, 2010

Average People Make Me Want to SCREAM.

I deserve WAY more respect than I am getting from my classmates.


My YouTube Formspring--blossoming! I've been getting some awesome questions! Some weren't even questions--they were so nice and they made my day! "You're so awesome!" "You are such a great writer; I love Beth's blog!" "Your writing is, like, fine art!" "You take such awesome pictures!" "Erin, you're such a talented photographer!" It makes me want to hug them.

Then I log onto my personal Formspring and my Facebook account, and it's just a bilge of disrespect. The only question I've been asked is "why i'm so in love with cal" which is the biggest sack of dog crap I've ever heard. My response was simply ">.<>

I hate people.
And the sad part about everything is, that my family is considering moving out west, and I'm ACTUALLY agreeing with them. Instead of protesting moving, because I'd miss my friends and my school, I'm actually CONVINCING them that the further we go from Ohio, the better. Further away from Cal, further away from my LIFE, further away from people who hate me, further away from sadness and mean people.

Further away from the place I hate the most.

The only things I would miss are Jacie, Natalie, and Emily; aka my best friends.

To be honest, I don't fully understand why they hate me so freaking much. I act like the bitches who rule the seventh grade, and I dress like them, and I do everything they do except cheerlead and sports. And I still get disrespected like you wouldn't BELIEVE.

We got new seats in World History on Monday, and now I'm seated next to a teacher's pet of a popular chick. I smiled at her. She looked at me, surveyed my outfit, gave a look that reminded me of a grimace, then looked away. I wanted to knock her into the ground, because that pissed me off so badly. She didn't even SAY anything to me. Which, proves my point, that the only thing that matters to be popular is appearances.

There's this girl named Aly. Mean as heck. Talks to me like I'm a fourth grader. Looks at me like I'm a retard. And yet, she still gets asked out and treated like she's the Queen of England.

Jeez I hate them >.<



  1. Urgh. Sounds like my fifth-grade life. >.<

    Sorry about your personal Formspring - if I knew who the person asking about the Cal thing was, I' don't want to hear what I'd do to them.

  2. Ugh why are these people so well liked?! All they do is hurt people and everyone looks up to them like they're some god. Does that even make sense?! These people go around making everyone's lives a living HELL and people practically worship them for it! Ughh...

    It's a freaking confusing world we live in. Why people look up to those popular kids who make our lives miserable I don't know.

    Come here to Minnesota. I'll make sure people treat you right there, or I may just have to sock them in the face like I wish I could sock all those bitches who make live misearble for you.

    ~Chelly (who is disguised as Emma Nicole)~

  3. Life sucks.

    But people grow up eventually, and then those of real worth are picked out and get places in life. The rest just sort of sit there.

    At least it ends sometime.
