Friday, August 13, 2010

Rant of the Day: "Friends"

You know what bothers me? And by bothers me, I mean, DRIVES ME COMPLETELY INSANE?

How my online friends, who I've never ever met in my entire life, are kinder to me then my so-called real live friends.

For example, my birthday is coming up in about 2 days, and I've gotten more early-birthday comments on my YouTube channel then I have on my Facebook.

Let's see.....hmmmm....I've gotten about......I want to say....17 early birthday wishes on my Youtube channel?

And guess how many I've gotten on Facebook.


And there's no doubt in my mind that that number is going to stay the same on my actual birthday.

That just goes to show you how much my "friends" love me.

It's not just now. As I explained in my first blog post, sixth grade SUCKED @$$ for me. And it's all because of the stupid kids. I got decent grades, but I was pushed away and hated on and excluded because I was just being myself.

And those stupid psychologist people said that being yourself would make all the more better.


Picture this:

"Oh, and you can use partners on this assignment. Get started!" The teacher said.
Before you have time to look around the room to decide who you will partner with, everyone has already decided. Nobody even looks at you or considers you, and you are stuck working alone. Again.

Now imagine that happening to you every freakin' time you got to work in partners in class.

That is my school life.

Because nobody had the nerve to even talk to the edgy, weird hippie girl. The only words they spoke of me were hurtful, and usually behind my back. There wasn't a kid in my grade who didn't know my name, and most of them just knew me for being "that weird hippie girl."

Do you know how many times I wanted to completely destroy the popular girls who made fun of me?

Many times. And I knew I could. I could knock their Hollister-spoiled butts right on the floor with one hand tied behind my back.

I always try to update my statuses on Facebook. Day after day, no comments, no likes, and no posts written on my Wall. Yet, the girls and guys who hate me send me the friend invites, since I never send out my own invites.

Truthfully, I cannot WAIT to go back to school. I want to prove to all the hippie-hating losers out there that a five-foot tall "Alex's Little Sister" can be normal, because she can.

If I had it my way, I'd stay my hippie-ish self. I'd go back, decked in my hippie wear, as my normal Beatley self. My mom wants me to change since she claimed I would "be happier."

No. Just no.

Whoop, now it's 1 day to my birthday. Sorry, I'm a night owl xDDDD

And still no Facebook messages.

Gaaah. I hate my "friends".

Do any of you have trouble with people who are mean to you, yet they claim you to be your friend?



  1. Do any of you have trouble with people who are mean to you, yet they claim you to be your friend?

    Yup!! You're not alone Erin!
    I don't have it as bad as you.
    Only 3 people.
    I feal UPER bad for you Erin! You are WAY better than all those jerks!
